World Mental Health Day 2021: Looking After Your Mental Health

The 10th of October is World Mental Health Day, and it’s the perfect time to step back and look at the mental health practices you’re implementing in your everyday life. We have compiled a list of five ways you can look after your own mental health – it’s just as important to make sure your brain is in top condition, as well as your physical health.

Talk About Your Feelings

Sometimes, when we have a lot on our mind, it can become overwhelming. It helps to have someone to talk to, whether that be a professional, or just someone you’re close to who is willing to listen to you. As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. Communicating with people around you will help you to rationalise what you’re feeling, and determine whether there is an underlying cause, or if you’re just having an off day!


Eat Well and Exercise

As hard as it may seem, maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly does wonders for your mental health. A balanced diet does not mean only eating ‘healthy’ foods – it includes all foods, regardless of nutritional value, and allowing yourself to enjoy these foods is something that will only strengthen your mental health. Limiting or cutting out what food you can eat on the basis of health is a sure-fire way to damage your mental health in the long run. In the same way, make sure to do exercise that serves you. If you don’t like running, don’t do it. It needs to be something that makes you feel good – don’t just do it with the intention of losing weight, or because you feel like you must.


Keep in Touch with People

It can be hard to stay in touch with people, especially when you don’t have the energy to hold conversations. However, even if you don’t feel like seeing people in person, dropping them a quick text or giving them a call can improve your mood, and theirs, tenfold. Staying in touch with the people you love is a very important way of keeping your mental health in check.


Take a Break

Your mental health is something that can be easily overlooked, and you often don’t realise until too late that you have reached the end of your tether. Whether it be a 5-minute, half an hour, or even a weekend long break, make sure to give your brain time to recuperate and recharge. A change of scenery or activity will do wonders for your mind and will help to keep you entertained and less likely of burnout.


Do Something You Enjoy

This one seems self-explanatory, but it isn’t as obvious as you think. Many people relinquish the opportunity to do something they enjoy in favour of working a little bit longer, or running an extra errand. Make time for the hobbies that interest you. Is there a sport that you like to play? Find a local club and join them for a round. Do you like reading? Join a book club! There are so many ways to keep yourself entertained, as well as meet new people at the same time. Your brain will thank you for it!